1. I love this photo–one of everything: one mom, one little boy, one parasail, one pail, one shovel but that one little bird just watching is the cutest thing!


  2. Terrific image, Lynn – but ‘almost’ ??? 🙂 And btw, that must’ve hurt quite a lot while it was being done, wouldn’t you think ?


    1. MR..here in the sunny south although it’s warm all year, until it hits 95 do we say “summer is here”…
      I have no tattoos as I know I would faint from the pain of needles sticking me..she’s a brave Mum!


      1. That’s about 37 in Oz money. We’d call that hot, yes ! In fact, we’d probably turn on the A/C (if we had any). 🙂


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